At the request of my bestest friend ever, Willow, I have created an outfit. Well not just an outfit, but an entire frickin look. This can be worn for Halloween or your whatever you like. This is called Disturbia, based of the outfit Rhianna performed in on the MTV Music Awards. You can find the pics here.
Disturbia includes the outfit itself, the boots (first time I did shoes EVER), hair, shape, and skin (Another skin mod). You can buy the whole package, or I have also set the option to buy pieces separately. So do whatever's best for you! You can find Disturbia in my store in Koreshan....OR you can stop by my newly opened mainstore in Tikvah!
The mainstore is still under a wee bit of construction, but it is open! You can find more inventory and also have the chance of winning lots of prizes from my roulette wheels! One is the Chibi-Robo prize wheel, and the other is a miscellaneous group of prizes, which are clothes, skins, and accessories.

Location for the mainstore is
Thanks for looking and hope you enjoy!
Thanks for looking and hope you enjoy!