Friday, June 15, 2007


Yes I'm back! Got settled in, and spent a few weeks with my baby. There were laughs, fights, and tears, especially recently, cuz my baby's now gone. :( Usually it takes me a week to stop crying when I think about him, so I'll be good soon.
9 months ahhhhh, what am I gonna do? Well, during my "vacation" I came up with some good ideas for men and women's clothing, sketchy sketchy. So after I get my contract out the way, I will start the making of the fun stuffs. So stay tuned, I might need your opinions on things. ;)


WillowC said...

Wb Harbgel!!! Missed j00 <3<3

HeatherFev21 said...

YAY Arbers, you knooooooooooooooooooooow I missed you TOO fucking much woman!


Arbel Vogel said...

Lubs lubs lubs! <33

Anonymous said...

Yay more stuff!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Arbel!! Glad you made it back safely. Cant wait to see whatcha got in store for us. :D

Arbel Vogel said...

Aww yay, thank you!! :D